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The purpose of creating JSC "Convin"


The joint-stock company was created with the purpose of profit extraction through economic activities for obtaining the best economic results, further development of production, saturation of the market of the Republic of Uzbekistan with high-quality consumer goods for the most complete satisfaction of the existing needs of citizens, enterprises, institutions, organizations in products manufactured by the Joint Stock Company Works, rendered services, achieving maximum economic effect Of the artist.



List of Affiliated Persons



Full name of the affiliated party - legal entities or full name. Affiliated person - individuals The basis on which a person is affiliated
Holding Company "Uzvinosanoatprom Holding"  A shareholder owning more than 51% of shares
Shorayev Sherzod Shoikrom ugli Chairman of the Board
Abidov Tolip Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Abdihalilov Abduhamid Member of the Supervisory Board
Zufarov Sherzod Member of the Supervisory Board
Kudryakova Liliya Member of the Supervisory Board
Tolipjanov Alisher Member of the Supervisory Board
Ashurov Bokhodir Member of the Supervisory Board
Ismoilov Atham Member of the Supervisory Board




ШерзодShorayev Sherzod Shoikrom ugli

Chairman of the Board of JSC "KONVIN"



Phone: 998 (70) 74 -21- 938

Fax: 998 (70) 74 – 21 – 290

E-mail: , ,




Date of birth: 1988. Place of birth: Bostanlyk district, Tashkent region. Ethnicity is Uzbek. Higher education. In 2010 he graduated from the Tashkent State Economic University. Work experience since 2010. Since 2018, he began working in JSC "KONVIN" as the chief accountant assistant. Since 2020, he has held the position of Director for Finance and Prospective Planning of JSC KONVIN. Since 2021 he has been the Chairman of the Board of JSC "KONVIN". Sh. Shoraev is married and has two daughters and a son.


Functional responsibilities


General management of the joint-stock company. Control over the fulfillment of the main tasks and activities of the joint-stock company, in particular:


  • Implementation of a unified technical and technological policy in the field of improvement and technical re-equipment of the enterprise.
  • Management and coordination of activities of all services and divisions of the joint-stock company.
  • Studying of marketing researches and publications of domestic experts and experts, and also the international market.
  • Direction of work of specialists and services of the joint-stock company on development of new competitive products with the purpose of its promotion to the international markets.
  • Attraction of foreign investments in the joint-stock company with the purpose of creation of new joint ventures with innovative technologies and highly competitive final product.
  • Full control over unconditional execution of decrees and decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers, decisions of the Council and normative documents of the HC Uzvinoprom-holding.
  • Personnel management, management, selection and placement of personnel, the creation of an effective personnel reserve, regular training and effective use of the personnel reserve.




Баха   Ashirboev Baxtiyor Ashirboevich 

Chief accountant's of JSC "KONVIN"



Phone: 998 (70) 74 -21-835

Fax: 998 (70) 74 – 21 – 290




Date of birth: 1978. Place of birth: Bostanlyk district, Tashkent region. Ethnicity is Uzbek. Secondary-special education. In 1999 he graduated from the Tashkent Banking Kollege. Work experience since 1999. Since 2017, he began working in JSC "KONVIN" as the chief accountant assistant. Since 2020, he has chief accountant of JSC KONVIN. B. Ashirboev is married and has a son and a daughters.

Functional responsibilities

  • General management of the financial and economic structures of the joint-stock company.
  • Control over forecasting, economic analysis of the efficiency of the joint-stock company's work.
  • Coordination of work on ensuring stable financial and economic activity of JSC "KONVIN".
  • Control and implementation of financial and economic policy with further deepening of economic reforms in the joint-stock company.
  • Control over accounts receivable and accounts payable, as well as control over the financial balance and other relevant documents of the enterprise.
  • Control over the timely selection of products in accordance with the concluded contracts.